Windsor, Ontario

July 25 - 31, 2022

Pistol (PAP)

Pistol (PAP)


Pistol (PAP)

DATE AND TIMES: Saturday, July 30, 2022 at 9:00am

Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 9:00am

LOCATION: Major Fa Tilston Armoury (Outdoor Range), 4007 Sandwich St. Windsor, ON

GUIDING BODIES:  Can-Am Police-Fire Games Federation, National Rifle Association, Canadian PCA

SPORT DESCRIPTION:  Non-modified duty firearm (either revolver or semi-automatic class).  The only modifications allowed will be grips and sights (non-electric).  Factory loads only.  Scoring will be a combination of fixed times and Virginia Court times.  Competitors may enter ONLY ONE class, revolver or semi-automatic.

Competitors without an IPSC, national affiliate, CPSG, WPFG classification, should enter the “D” class. Competitors will shoot their individual events to determine their Games classification. ENTER ONLY ONE “INDIVIDUAL” EVENT (either revolver or semi-automatic) AND ONE “TEAM” EVENT. In the 4-person team event, revolvers and semi-automatics combine. Team event is “revolver friendly”.  The Team roster must be sent with the registration form by the team captain. Changing or switching firearms will not be permitted between the individual and team events. The weapon selected (either semi-automatic or revolver) must be used during the whole match. Competitors must be “qualified” (i.e. some type of formal training for safety purposes) with their weapon.  Eye and ear protection required.

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